A NeW BoUtiQUe HoteL in
HistoriC DoWntoWN
Montrose, CoLoraDo U.S.A.
Rooms & SUites
Each of our 17 uniquely designed guest rooms reflects a piece of Montrose history, blending modern comfort with timeless elegance.
ParLor CoFFee & CoCKtaiLs
Located in the heart of The Rathbone Hotel, Parlor Bar serves expertly crafted coffee and cocktails daily from 7 AM – 10 PM.

UnWinD in one oF oUr beaUtiFULLY CUrateD sUites, saVor WorLD-CLass CoCKtaiLs in oUr inViting ParLor Bar, anD eXPerienCe the natUraL beaUtY anD Vibrant historY oF Montrose, CoLoraDo.